October – Opal

Birthstone: October Hardness: 5.5 Opal is one of nature’s most prized gems. The stone was mined by eastern Europeans, the Aztecs and the ancient tribes of Central Africa. Opals have been featured in the crown of the Holy Roman Emperor and the crown jewels of...

January – Garnet

Birthstone: January Hardness: 6-7 Garnet is one of the most versatile stones on the market. It comes in a rainbow of colors, from deep red to tangerine orange to lime green to pale pink, as well as purple, gold and brown. Garnet is found all over the world, including...

March – Aquamarine

Birthstone: March Hardness: 8 Aquamarine, derives it name from the Latin term for seawater because of its elegant blue hues. According to legend, aquamarine was the treasure of mermaids and had the power to keep sailors safe at sea. It was also thought to possess a...

About Birthstones

Birthstones by Month In 1912, the American National Association of Jewelers agreed on the birthstone chart that we use today. January: Garnet February: Amethyst  March: Aquamarine  April: Diamond  May: Emerald  June: Pearl or Alexandrite  July: Ruby  August: Peridot ...
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